It’s Never Too Late!
From 2 Corinthians chapter 5. In vs. 11, Paul says we “try to persuade others” out of reverence for the Lord. In vs. 14, he adds that we tell others because “Christ’s love compels us.” In vs. 18, Paul reminds us that Christ “gave us this ministry of reconciliation.” He has commanded us to do it – period. So, this morning, we helped these new workers understand their “why.” Out of reverence, out of love, and because of a mandate – we share the Good News with those who know Him least. It’s important to God – and thus, important to us. It matters. Legend has it that Ernest T. did indeed mend his ways and found hisself a fine mountain woman who bore him three sons. All of whom were very good at throwing rocks through precisely every winder they aimed for.
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