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MSM Posturing Narrative for K Harris

By Adams Housecat | July 23, 2024 |

Say the word: Narrrrrrrr-a-tive.  Doesn’t have much to do with reality, but it’s important to know the direction the elites are trying to take us.  What conclusions can you draw from this posturing?


By Adams Housecat | August 20, 2023 |

4am Talking Points

By Normie the Conqueror | August 5, 2023 |

Just an example of the MSM laying down their collective narrative.

Threat Spotlight

Devolution Part 24

If you’re actually willing to look for it, there is no shortage of corruption and conflicts of interest surrounding the current Biden administration. In the past 3 weeks, there has been a flurry of new information coming out surrounding the narrative battle that took place in the Fall of 2020 over the legitimacy of the…

A Pledge a Day
Take America Back
Trump Socks!
I Smell Hippies
Space Force One