Badlands Media

We are Badlands Media, a collective of citizen journalists committed to honesty and integrity in our work. We are doing our part to take our country back from the vice grip the MSM has had over us for decades.

Burning Bright

Now partnering with Badlands Media, Burning Bright has emerged on the New Media scene with a series of 9 articles titled “Righteous Russia” and “Layer Cake” a colorful style of writing and paradigm analysis of events that has gathered over 11,000 Substack subscribers in only six months.

Just human Profile Pic

Just Human

A Human, weathering my intuitions. Texan by birth, Christian by Faith.

Member of @WeTheMedia

Chris Paul - Be Reasonable

I’m Your Moderator

Chris Paul is unmatched in smooth delivery of critical information.

Patrick Gunnels

The Reading Epic Threads community is the most cutting-edge group of independent news researchers in the world. Patrick Gunnels, Brian Cates, Duane Cates, Patel Patriot, Saint Richie, JB White, Matthew Trump, and many more, contribute to a real understanding of the Strange War we’re living through.

Jon Herold (Patel Patriot)

In July 2021, Jon began posting a series of articles providing a detailed explanation of the war between the Trump administration and the Deep State. It is critically important information for anyone wanting to see from a higher elevation what lies ahead in the war for our freedom.

Just a Theory. With a Ton of Evidence.


Jon Herold aka “Patel Patriot” hosts two shows weekly, dedicated to exploration of Devolution related topics.

Wednesdays at 10:30 EST Kyle and BB – “Just Human” and “Burning Bright” usually draw distinctions among the documented facts and the prevailing narratives from the different political and media camps.

Saturdays at 10:30 EST Patrick Gunnels of “Reading Epic Threads” and Chris Paul “I’m your Moderator” bring a cultural and skeptical analysis of the issues that potentially involve the Continuity of Gov’t plan.

Jon Herold Interviews Mike Benz on Irregular Warfare

By Conservative Utopia | August 1, 2024 |

Mike Benz has a talent illustrating the joint operations of the CIA, US State Dept (DOS) and Dept of Defense (DOD).  Having worked at the State Dept. he has a wealth of firsthand accounts about overthrowing gov’ts and instituting color revolutions, routing of funds and generating narratives.

Devolution Power Hour #255

By Manifest Velocity | June 6, 2024 |

In Progress…

Devolution Power Hour #251

By Manifest Velocity | May 23, 2024 |

Great show, drawing many distinctions in the Devolution theory from current developments.  Please help unpack this with a Takeaway!

Devolution Power Hour #223

By Conservative Utopia | February 15, 2024 |

With Just Human travelling, Jon and BB tackle this week’s narratives: Twitter Leaks guys totally botching deployment of “critical” info concerning FISAgate behind a paywall. The CIA binders being at large, how is it connected.

Devolution Power Hour #219

By Manifest Velocity | February 3, 2024 |

Don’t miss the Reptilian video at 27:00 At 28:30 the analysis of the left’s wargaming narrative and media/movies is not to be missed. At 1:44 there’s an in depth application of Devolution as relates to the Biden admin’s continuation of Trump’s policies -real or imagined- as pertains to China and global trade.  Really good insight.

Devolution Power Hour #217

By Conservative Utopia | January 25, 2024 |

More evidence every week that Team Trump’s plan to restore America is underway.

Jon Herold’s EPIC 7 minute Rant: What’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory

By Normie the Conqueror | September 27, 2023 |

Jon Herold EPIC RANT:  Is devolution/continuity of gov’t a conspiracy theory or a body of evidence that points to actions taken by Team Trump … as well as the Deep State?  Jon drives home the substance of his groundbreaking research and analysis of the Trump administration’s plan to maintain continuity of the US gov’t after…

Devolution Power Hour #149

By Conservative Utopia | June 3, 2023 |

You will not find a finer inspection of the actual events in the lawfare or info war, and combine it with a high level, multi-dimensional analysis of the global swamp draining. The Durham, Weiss, Hur, Congressional and DOJ investigations into the Biden family and all the players are brought to light. New reporting on the…

Show Hosts

Jovan Pulitzer Schools the Audience on Election Fraud

By Conservative Utopia | July 17, 2022 |

An amazing insight into the voting process and the variety of scams involved. This is a 10/10 on the information delivery scale.

2022.03.18 Devolution Power Hour

By Conservative Utopia | March 18, 2022 |

Patel Patriot interviews Shaman Clif High about the state of global affairs and the involvement of the Devolution framework going forward.

Badlands Media

By admin | October 28, 2022
| |

We are Badlands Media, a collective of citizen journalists committed to honesty and integrity in our work. We are doing our part to take our country back from the vice grip the MSM has had over us for decades.

Burning Bright

By admin | September 8, 2022

Now partnering with Badlands Media, Burning Bright has emerged on the New Media scene with a series of 9 articles titled “Righteous Russia” and “Layer Cake” a colorful style of writing and paradigm analysis of events that has gathered over 11,000 Substack subscribers in only six months.

Just Human

By admin | September 8, 2022
| | |

A Human, weathering my intuitions. Texan by birth, Christian by Faith.

Member of @WeTheMedia

I’m Your Moderator

By admin | August 30, 2022
| | | |

Chris Paul is unmatched in smooth delivery of critical information.

Patrick Gunnels

By admin | March 20, 2022

The Reading Epic Threads community is the most cutting-edge group of independent news researchers in the world. Patrick Gunnels, Brian Cates, Duane Cates, Patel Patriot, Saint Richie, JB White, Matthew Trump, and many more, contribute to a real understanding of the Strange War we’re living through.

Jon Herold (Patel Patriot)

By admin | February 16, 2022

In July 2021, Jon began posting a series of articles providing a detailed explanation of the war between the Trump administration and the Deep State. It is critically important information for anyone wanting to see from a higher elevation what lies ahead in the war for our freedom.

Jon Herold Interviews Mike Benz on Irregular Warfare

By Conservative Utopia | August 1, 2024
| | | |

Mike Benz has a talent illustrating the joint operations of the CIA, US State Dept (DOS) and Dept of Defense (DOD).  Having worked at the State Dept. he has a wealth of firsthand accounts about overthrowing gov’ts and instituting color revolutions, routing of funds and generating narratives.

Devolution Power Hour #255

By Manifest Velocity | June 6, 2024
| | |

In Progress…

Devolution Power Hour #251

By Manifest Velocity | May 23, 2024
| | |

Great show, drawing many distinctions in the Devolution theory from current developments.  Please help unpack this with a Takeaway!

Devolution Power Hour #223

By Conservative Utopia | February 15, 2024

With Just Human travelling, Jon and BB tackle this week’s narratives: Twitter Leaks guys totally botching deployment of “critical” info concerning FISAgate behind a paywall. The CIA binders being at large, how is it connected.

Devolution Power Hour #219

By Manifest Velocity | February 3, 2024

Don’t miss the Reptilian video at 27:00 At 28:30 the analysis of the left’s wargaming narrative and media/movies is not to be missed. At 1:44 there’s an in depth application of Devolution as relates to the Biden admin’s continuation of Trump’s policies -real or imagined- as pertains to China and global trade.  Really good insight.

Devolution Power Hour #217

By Conservative Utopia | January 25, 2024
| |

More evidence every week that Team Trump’s plan to restore America is underway.

Jon Herold’s EPIC 7 minute Rant: What’s NOT a Conspiracy Theory

By Normie the Conqueror | September 27, 2023
| |

Jon Herold EPIC RANT:  Is devolution/continuity of gov’t a conspiracy theory or a body of evidence that points to actions taken by Team Trump … as well as the Deep State?  Jon drives home the substance of his groundbreaking research and analysis of the Trump administration’s plan to maintain continuity of the US gov’t after the theft of the 2020 election. Author’s note: I have transcribed this and sourced many of the points.  It is…

Devolution Power Hour #149

By Conservative Utopia | June 3, 2023
| | |

You will not find a finer inspection of the actual events in the lawfare or info war, and combine it with a high level, multi-dimensional analysis of the global swamp draining. The Durham, Weiss, Hur, Congressional and DOJ investigations into the Biden family and all the players are brought to light. New reporting on the FBI document House Rs are threatening to hold FBI director Chris Wray in contempt over: It has origins in a…